Английский язык. Зачет 3 семестр

  1. Choose the right translation: “распределять ресурсы”
  2. Choose the right translation: “снизить цены”
  3. Choose the right translation: “присутствовать на рынке”
  4. Choose the right translation: “клиентура”
  5. Find the word corresponding to the given definition. A sum of money paid to the government according to income, property, goods bought.
  6. Complete the sentence. ____ explores the decisions that individual businesses and consumers take.
  7. Fill the words in the blanks:  Statistitians... the number of insured losses for a given period (предсказывают).
  8. Choose the right translation: “to provide programs”
  9. Choose the right translation: “a fair”
  10. Choose the right translation: “акция”
  11. Choose the right translation: “to breed uncertainty”
  12. Choose the right translation: “расчетная палата”
  13. Choose the right translation: “мощность”
  14. Choose the right translation: “to aggravate problems”
  15. Choose the right translation: “to draw a conlusion”
  16. Choose the right translation: “on the threshold of the third millenium”
  17. Choose the right translation: «управлять экономикой»
  18. Choose the right translation: “запрещать что-либо делать”
  19. Choose the right translation: “безработный”
  20. Choose the right translation: “экономить на чем-либо”
  21. Choose the right translation: “получать прибыль”
  22. Choose the right translation: “to tax individuals”
  23. Choose the right translation: “безработица”
  24. Choose the right translation: “a peculiarity”
  25. Choose the right translation: “расходы”
  26. Choose the right translation: “принимать решение”
  27. Choose the right translation: “делать предоплату”
  28. Choose the right translation: “потребление”
  29. Fill the words in the blanks: Pure risk involves... (неопределенность).
  30. Выберите подходящее слово (определение): The prices in the shop are reasonable.
  31. Choose the right translation: “фондовая биржа”
  32. Choose the right prepositions. Our letter dated the 5th May was sent ... air-mail.
  33. Choose the right translation: розничная продажа
  34. Choose the right translation: улучшить
  35. Choose the right translation: закладная
  36. Fill the words in the blanks. Neither party is entitled ... rights to a third party (передавать).
  37. Choose the right prepositions. We dont sell goods ... credit.
  38. Choose the right translation: покупка
  39. Choose the right translation: держатель акций
  40. Fill the words in the blanks. It is difficult ... this man (вести дела)
  41. Fill in the prepositions. All the originals a copies of B/L shall be signed … the Master.
  42. Fill in the prepositions. Packing shall secure full safety of the goods and protect them … any damage.
  43. Choose the right translation: окупаться
  44. Fill in the prepositions. We are sending you, under separate cover, descriptive literature relating … this type of engine.
  45. Choose the right translation: сущность
  46. Fill in the prepositions. We enclose catalogues of our range of machine tools … complete technical information.
  47. Fill in the prepositions. Samler-references are to be paid … the Buyers.
  48. Choose the right prepositions. Both parties shall keep these samples ... 2 months ... the date .... delivery.
  49. Choose the right translation: средний годовой доход
  50. Our luggage ... at the Customs now.
  51. By the time we (arrive) their party (finish).
  52. By whom this film (make)?
  53. I can never stop her ... pop music programmes on the radio.
  54. I wondered what he (do) since we last met?
  55. Have you ever been ... Scotland?
  56. I'm interested ... studying economics.
  57. ... you are older than I, you belong to the same generation.
  58. I wonder when my article ... .
  59. It's pleasure ... you again.
  60. They ... the highest prize.
  61. When he arrived at the shop his wife ... home.
  62. I told him (to go) there.
  63. I tried to explain ... I had done.
  64. I (to know) him since 1990.
  65. You ... the book to the library by this time tomorrow.
  66. ... his homework he went for a walk.
  67. This bridge (to build) in 1956.
  68. This book is worth (to read).
  69. I (to live) in Moscow for three years.
  70. All the contracts ... by the President.
  71. Will you, please, stop ... .
  72. He phoned to say he ... his bag on the plane.
  73. Stay here ... you hear from me.
  74. There is no sense (to go) there today.
  75. I'll go ... you help me.
  76. They (to do) their work by 7 o'clock tomorrow.
  77. This novel is worth ... .
  78. I dont like parties ... finish late.
  79. Tea ... on the balcony in fine weather.
  80. Образуйте множественное число от существительного child
  81. Выберите английский эквивалент русскому слову "молодой"
  82. Выберите английский эквивалент русскому слову "высокий"
  83. Вставьте правильную грамматическую форму: She … to the radio every evening.
  84. Подберите подходящий русский эквивалент английскому слову "wife"
  85. Выберите русский эквивалент английскому слову "dining-room"
  86. Выберите русский эквивалент английскому слову "shower"
  87. Из предложенных ниже существительных выберите неисчисляемое:
  88. Вставьте подходящее местоимение … sister is at the University.
  89. Выберите слово с конечным звуком [z]
  90. Вставьте подходящее местоимение … don't like my job.
  91. Выберите русский эквивалент английскому слову "food"
  92. Выберите подходящий предлог: Is there a buffet car … this train?
  93. Выберите подходящий предлог: The library is … the square.
  94. Найдите соответствие английскому слову: neck
  95. Выберите подходящий предлог: The plane landed .. New York at 5.30.
  96. Выберите английский эквивалент русскому слову или словосочетанию: подобрать (соответствие)
  97. Задайте вопрос так, чтобы ответом ему служило предложение: Two students.
  98. Заполните пропуски: She goes … every morning.
  99. Определите форму глагола. She goes to shool.
  100. Can you swim?
  101. Заполните пропуски: My brother doesn't like … at all.
  102. Среди предложенных глаголов выберите тот, у которого форма инфинитива полностью совпадает с формой Past Simple
  103. Определите, к какой части речи принадлежит данное слово: speaks